What if your body could...

Drop fat and keep it off

Build muscle and maintain it

Support a regular pain free menstrual cycle and happy, healthy hormones

Get rid of bloating, poor skin, constipation and headaches

Perhaps one day make conception easy and support a healthy pregnancy

... without dieting and cutting out the food you love

... without exercising every day and smashing yourself in the gym

... without having to research and try all the 'diets' on your own

... without wasting time, energy or money


Have been trying to support your hormones by “eating healthy” but have noticed no change

Feel overwhelmed with all the conflicting information out there and don’t know where to start

Are sick of 'researching' or 'trying' to lose weight and keep it off

Don’t know how to build muscle and lose fat

Feel confused about what to do to best support your preconception journey

I've been there...

I was fed up with painful periods, crazy PMS and cravings.

I was always bloated, had headaches and wasn't performing well in my training.

I knew I wanted to fall pregnant one day and my short, unhealthy cycle was not optimal to do so. I also knew it meant my hormones were out of balance and needed to be fixed.

BUT when I discovered this roadmap I am about to teach you my period length and bleeding increased, I had no period pain, my headaches and bloating disappeared, I was seeing a change in my body composition and I was able to maintain my happy body weight (and fall pregnant when we were ready to start trying)

In this course you will learn

  • All about pro metabolic eating and how it will help your health and hormones

  • The truth about ‘health foods’ any why they may not be healthy

  • How to calculate calories and macros to support hormones and body composition goals

  • How to balance your blood sugar and health and nourish your metabolism 

  • Understand and track your cycle so you know when you are fertile and what phases you are going through, as well as what your hormones are doing

  • How to train sustainably with your cycle to build muscle mass without over exercising

Healing the Female Body is a self paced, 100% online road map guaranteed* to take you from being sick of doing ‘everything right’ like eating clean and training every day but not seeing changes


Finally reaching your body composition goals AND MAINTAINING them 

Supporting your hormones and metabolism by balancing your blood sugar

Helping you understand, regulate and optimise your cycle for health and/ or fertility 

Feeling strong, healthy and IN CONTROL


Learn what the course is all about how to use your Health Journal, take a hormone quiz and get ready for some awesome health progress.


Learn what your metabolism is, what its role is and how it works. You will also learn how to measure your metabolism and what your results tell you (plus how to support it)

Pro Metabolic Principles

We go through what pro metabolic eating is and the 4 principles of having this approach to eating. Including how to incorporate it in your life to support health and hormones.

Nourishment Concepts

Learn the 7 Nourishment Concepts that will start to support your healthy and hormones - including recipes, meal templates, ebooks and more. We also touch on foods you think may be healthy but aren't!

Training and your Hormones

Understand how to build muscle and why its important for your hormones. Plus learn why HIIT could be doing your more harm than good. We talk about training and your menstrual cycle too.

Lifestyle Nourishment

Other aspects of our lifestyle (besides training and nutrition) also need nourishing so you will learn how nature can really help your hormones.

The Menstrual Cycle

Know your cycle - why you need a healthy cycle and what that looks like. What your hormones are doing through different phases and how to support hormonal issues such as PCOS

Tracking your Cycle

Learn to track your cycle and know when you are fertile or not. Understand charts and apps that are reliable to help your for conception or contraception


If you notice anything continually pop up or don't know why something is happening we will work through things like PMS, bloating, migraines, acne etc to help you overcome these.

Choose a Pricing Option

By the end of this self paced course you will have:

Understood pro metabolic nutrition and how to nourish your hormones and metabolism.

Learnt how to ensure you are eating enough food to support metabolism, hormones and your body composition goals

Learnt about and supported your menstrual cycle

Understood the importance of vitamins and minerals for your hormones

Learnt how to build muscle and train sustainably with your cycle in mind

Built a healthy foundation for preconception


How is this different to your other courses previously run?

This course is wayyy more in depth on hormones and metabolism than any other course I have run. This is because I am a big believer of supporting our hormones with quality nutrition and training to actually achieve and maintain our body composition and health goals.

Although I wont be coaching you through (I will in the modules) but you will have access to our private community group to ask ANY questions you need and I will reply to them.

Do I need a gym membership?

Nope - you dont even need to train or can continue doing your own thing. The course will teach you the importance of muscle and strength for health and hormones and body composition so I highly recommend you train.

You can also jump on the Human for Women Strength and Conditioning Program which can be done at a home gym with sufficient equipment, commercial or functional fitness gym.

This is the program I co-program and complete myself and you have access to me for any questions via our group chat and (exciting new addition coming soon!)

Will this course help me lose weight?

In short - it could. But this course is even better than just showing you fat loss. It will teach you exactly where your body needs to be at it's healthiest weight. For some, that means losing a little. For some, that means gaining a little. ( I gained 2 kgs following this roadmap and my cycle increased in days and bleed and was no longer painful)

By the end of this course, I hope that your weight is no longer a focus but you notice a difference in how you feel and look, how your cycle improves, how you can nourish and heal your body without dieting and over training.

This course is a road map to building a strong, healthy body that builds lean muscle & burns fat efficiently.

I do not guarantee fat loss (although when your body is healed and nourished fat loss comes) but I do help you love, nourish and understand what your body needs to do what it is supposed to do.

What will I learn in this course?

All things pro metabolic nutrition, sustainable training, nutrition for hormones, how to support your metabolism. You will receive video lessons, worksheets, ebooks, guides, recipes and more!

When does the course start and finish?

The course is LIVE and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course, so you decide when you start and when you finish.

You will have lifetime access to all the material & downloads the course provides the second that you make your purchase! If the course is updated at any point in the future, you will be automatically have the updated version.

Who is this course for?

This course is absolutely for you if you are planning to fall pregnant, currently trying or currently pregnant, or post partum. Of course, always consult with your medical practictioner but the the principles I teach in this course are to support your health and hormones by healing and nourishing them with good quality nutrition. You can also purchase the course and save it for after bub if you prefer to do that as well! If you do not have a cycle or it is irregular due to menopause that is totally ok - the principles and nourishment concepts in this course are still very beneficial for you (and those hot flushes)

Will this course help (any disease, dysfunction, sickness)

This course does not make any claims to diagnose, treat, or heal any specific health issue. This is what I have found to help me personally and believe it's the best way live, eat, & move to lay the strongest foundation for health for myself.

Please consult with your practitioner to assess what is best for you. No information in this course is to be taken as medical advice.

Do you offer payment plans?
Of course - if it's easier for you to purchase making 2 payments instead of one you will be able to choose that option when you enrol.

Do you offer refunds?

Considering the type of service offered, this course is non-refundable. Once you have purchased the course & accessed the downloads, it's yours for life!

Any more questions?
Email me at [email protected]

I am so sure you will love this program that I guarantee it. 


If with in 30 days of purchasing Healing the Female Body, you are unhappy with it, I will give you your money back. 

You have to do the work though.

All I ask is you send proof that you implemented the required work and saw no improvement in your health and I will refund you.

*Not applicable to payment plans.